An 86-year-old woman, known locally as Iya Biodun, died after being set on fire by her daughter, Abiodun, on Friday. The incident took place in the Surulere area, opposite the Anglican Cathedral Church in Ondo West.
The elderly woman was rushed to the trauma centre at the School of Medical Sciences in Ondo for treatment but died due to her injuries.
According to police reports, the tragedy occurred around 5 a.m. Abiodun, 45, allegedly committed the act while her mother was asleep. “I called my mother out of the house around 5 a.m. and set her ablaze because of what I heard, that she’s behind my problems,” Abiodun confessed to the police.
Abiodun claimed a prophet convinced her that her mother was the source of her life’s difficulties and that killing her was the only solution.
A witness, Sola Oladele, described the horrifying scene: “The suspect came to the house on Friday around 5 a.m. and called out her mother before pouring petrol on her and setting her on fire. What happened between them before the incident, we don’t know, but the suspect has been arrested by police at the Enu-Owa division for further investigation.”
Funmilayo Odunlami, the State Police Public Relations Officer, confirmed the incident. “It was the DPO of the station who broke the news to me when I called to confirm the case,” she said, adding that Abiodun would be charged in court as soon as possible.