Popular social media personality Martins Otse, widely known as VeryDarkMan, has voiced his support for Seyi Tinubu, the son of President Bola Tinubu, as a potential candidate for Lagos State governor in the 2027 elections. In a video shared on Instagram on Friday, the influencer expressed his reasons for endorsing Seyi Tinubu, highlighting a vision for greater youth involvement in Nigerian politics.
“If Seyi Tinubu decides to run for governorship, I’m going to campaign for him. I don’t do politics, but I’ll do politics because of Seyi Tinubu,” VeryDarkMan declared in the video. He added that Seyi’s leadership could pave the way for younger generations to take on significant political roles in the country.
Seyi Tinubu, who is currently 39 years old, would be 42 by the time of the 2027 elections, making him one of the youngest potential governors in Lagos State’s history. VeryDarkMan sees this as an opportunity to shift Nigeria’s political landscape towards youth empowerment.
“Based on my calculation, Seyi Tinubu is a bridge to get something that I want—something that I believe will make Nigeria work,” the influencer explained. He noted that Seyi’s leadership style mirrors his father’s approach to politics, which involves strategically positioning individuals in key roles to advance a broader agenda.
VeryDarkMan speculated that Seyi Tinubu already has loyal supporters in influential positions, many of whom are likely young and easier for him to influence. “Seyi plays his father’s kind of politics, where he positions people early enough in different levels of relevance to do his bidding,” he said.
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The influencer suggested that this strategy could lead to long-term benefits for Nigerian governance. He envisions a scenario where, as governor, Seyi Tinubu would begin supporting his loyalists to ascend to political offices across the country.
VeryDarkMan also proposed a surprising outcome to this potential shift in power: a rebellion by young people against Seyi Tinubu in the future. “Young folks may then rebel against Seyi, leading to positive outcomes for the country,” he predicted, implying that such rebellion could ignite systemic changes beneficial to Nigeria as a whole.
Although neither Seyi Tinubu nor President Bola Tinubu has made any public statements about Seyi’s political ambitions, the influencer’s comments have added to growing speculation. Various groups have also voiced their support for Seyi Tinubu to run for governor, further fueling discussions about his potential candidacy.
VeryDarkMan’s endorsement has sparked conversations on social media, with some praising his forward-thinking perspective and others questioning the implications of dynastic politics. As the 2027 elections approach, the possibility of Seyi Tinubu’s candidacy could mark a significant development in Lagos State’s political scene.