Renowned Nigerian musician Innocent Idibia, popularly known as 2Baba, has dismissed an earlier Instagram post announcing his separation from his wife, actress Annie Macaulay-Idibia. The music legend claimed his account was hacked and assured fans that the message did not originate from him.
On Sunday, 2Baba took to Instagram to clarify the situation, stating, “My Instagram account has been hacked, efforts are being carried out to take back control #onelove!”
The initial post, which suggested that 2Baba and Annie had been separated for some time and were moving toward divorce, sparked widespread reactions among fans. The deleted post also mentioned plans for a press conference, leaving fans stunned and uncertain about the state of the couple’s relationship.
Following his statement, fans of the iconic musician and his wife expressed relief that the earlier announcement was false. Many took to social media to show their support for the couple, often seen as one of the most celebrated power duos in the Nigerian entertainment industry.
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2Baba and Annie, who tied the knot in 2012, have two children together and have been admired for their enduring love story. Over the years, they have faced their share of public scrutiny but remained committed to their family and careers.
The announcement of the hacking incident has put to rest the speculations surrounding their marriage, though fans continue to hope that their bond remains unshaken.
The hacking incident highlights the growing problem of cybersecurity breaches, particularly for public figures whose online platforms are often targeted. Fans have urged the musician to take stronger measures to secure his accounts and avoid future incidents.