Child actress Darasimi Nadi, who stars in the newly released Netflix film Tokunbo, has shared her excitement about working alongside veteran actor and filmmaker Ramsey Nouah. In an interview with Sunday Scoop, Nadi described the experience as a dream come true, especially since she had always hoped to collaborate with Nouah.
Nadi plays the role of the daughter of a Central Bank Governor caught up in a high-stakes political kidnapping in Tokunbo. Reflecting on how she was selected for the role, she said, “I would first like to say that God is great because, out of the maybe 50,000 people who auditioned, I was picked. However, the first thing that drew me to the film was the fact that it was Mr. Ramsey’s film. I had always wanted to work with him.”
She also spoke about the similarities between herself and her character, stating, “My character is very outspoken and smart, which is very much like me. It wasn’t taxing to deliver my role because we are alike in many ways.”
However, Nadi revealed that while the role felt natural to her, working under Nouah’s direction posed unique challenges. “There were a few challenges because Mr. Ramsey always had a specific way he wanted things to go. For instance, he could want one’s voice to be very deep in some lines and then light, like a singing bird, in another,” she explained. Despite these challenges, she praised the experience, calling it “beautiful and blissful.”
The young actress also reflected on her growth as an actor during the filming process. She said, “When I got on set, I realized that one could highlight one’s lines and break down one’s character beyond the script. It was so fascinating. It is always good to observe and be quick to listen because we learn every single day.”
Nadi expressed particular excitement about Tokunbo being her first Netflix original film. She shared her approach to connecting with her character, saying, “All I had to do was become the character. Once I did that, I started to feel what the character felt. So, it wasn’t hard for me to handle the emotional parts because I connected with the character.”
Ntokunbo has drawn attention not only for its compelling storyline but also for its star-studded cast, and Nadi’s performance has already been praised as a standout.
Darasimi Nadi’s journey in Tokunbo marks a significant milestone in her young acting career, and her experience working with a Nollywood icon like Ramsey Nouah has further fueled her passion for acting.